I am trying to learn Roku channel development. I took the "videoplayer" example and was going to experiment with the category feeds. I discovered that the category files were present in the application's tree as well as online, and I changed the line:
conn.UrlPrefix = "http://rokudev.roku.com/rokudev/examples/videoplayer/xml"
conn.UrlPrefix = "file://pkg:/xml"
to pull the local copy of the file instead of hitting the web server at rokudev.roku.com. The only other change i made was to add a debugging line after the "Can't parse feed" so I could see the results of the fetch of the URL:
if not xml.Parse(rsp) then
print "Can't parse feed"
print "'" + rsp + "'"
return invalid
It looks like the HTTP fetch returns nothing:
created feed connection for file://pkg:/xml/categories.xml
url: file:///tmp/plugin/FDAAAA1tnmYw/pkg:/xml/categories.xml
Took: 5ms
Can't parse feed
Any clues on what I'm doing wrong?