I am using the SceneGraph sample "Simple Grid with Details and Video" with separate main and component scripts. My objective is to send data to a remote database after the video player stops playing. Is this possible? Can someone reply with a example script?
Brightscript linitations:
1) roUrlTransfer can only be used in a Task node
2) roMessagePort can only be used when the SceneGraph application is launched (main.br)
Here is what I have so far. I connect to the database in main.br
Sub ConnectToDatabase() As Object
db = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer") 'This can only be used in a Task node
DBport = CreateObject("roMessagePort") 'This can only be used when the SceneGraph application is launched
return db
End Sub
and then transfer db as an object to DetailScreen.br after the viewer stops the video player.
This doesn't work. I get the following error.
'Dot' Operator attempted with invalid BrightScript Component or interface reference. (runtime error &hec) in pkg:/components/screens/DetailsScreen/DetailsScreen.brs
Please help.