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Secure Token Authorization

I had all but given up on my feed ever getting on Roku.  Recently made inroads to access the feed.   But in order to gain access to it we must use a Secure Token Authorization method.  It does an MD5 hash on the Account ID & timestamp and passes that back to the server.   I've gotten's examples to work but I've not found any recent docs/info on implementing this method into a Roku channel.   

All of Livestream's goodies can be found here:

In the sample above there are about 5 different javascript files that work together in order to get the "Secret API Key" without it being exposed to the world.

I'm hoping a wise and kind soul can point me in the direction I should go to study this out for building it.  Your comments are appreciated!

Thank You,
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Roku Guru

Re: Secure Token Authorization

You need your own server (running somewhere other than on a Roku device) to generate the secure token by taking the MD5 hash of your API key, the timestamp, and the scope. The server returns the secure token in a response to your client (Roku) request. The client then includes the secure token in the video playback URL.


You could conceivably generate the secure token within your client application (Roku channel). Livestream doesn't want you doing that to prevent a user gaining access to the API key from the client application. But since the Roku is not a web browser, the API key wouldn't be exposed, so I don't see a problem with doing it from within a Roku channel.
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Roku Guru

Re: Secure Token Authorization

Try something like this (untested) code to get the secure token from within your Roku channel:

Sub Main () 
    timestamp = CreateObject ("roDateTime").AsSeconds ().ToStr ()
    token = generateToken ("secretapikey", "readonly", timestamp)
    Print token
End Sub
Function generateToken (apiKey As String, scope As String, timestamp As String) As String
    token = ""
    hmac = CreateObject ("roHMAC")
    baKey = CreateObject ("roByteArray")
    baKey.FromAsciiString (apiKey)
    If hmac.Setup ("md5", baKey) = 0
      baMessage = CreateObject ("roByteArray")
      baMessage.FromAsciiString (apiKey + ":" + scope + ":" + timestamp)
      hmac.Update (baMessage)
      baResult = hmac.Final ()
      If baResult.Count () > 0
        token = baResult.ToHexString ()
      End If
    End If
    Return token
End Function
0 Kudos

Re: Secure Token Authorization

Thank You for Your Support Brother!

I'll work with this code tonight and report back my progress soon.

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