I am running the latest firmware version (7.6.0 - build 4125-04) on a Roku 3 device. I am trying to integrate Roku Billing in my channel. I am using the SG ChannelStore. Things seem to work okay with fake server. To test with an actual digital product ( Roku Billing is enabled and I have created a digital product), I have assigned the digital product to be usable in my private channel.
When I invoke the "getCatalog" command, the response is successful (i.e status is successful (1)). However, there are no ContentNode's for the available products in the response i.e. the child count for the head node is 0 (no products found available ??).
I am not sure why there is no product present in the getCatalog response. The digital product is "Yes" for "Cleared for Sale" and "Status" is "Approved". Also it is enabled to be usable from my private channel.
I will appreciate if anybody can share any insights into why the catalog would be empty and not return any available digital products.
P.S. I did all this today. I do not know if there is some time required before a newly created digital product is visible in the channels via the channel store calls.