If you need to set a global variable within your main file (where your screen is created and set) you can do it via the global node.
m.global = screen.getGlobalNode()
m.global.id = "GlobalNode"
m.global.addFields( {
globalVariable: yourVariableHere
} )
If you need to set a global variable outside of where your screen is set, I found a very helpful function in one of the examples (I forgot which one) but I use it in my code as well...
function AddAndSetFields( node as object, aa as object )
addFields = {}
setFields = {}
for each field in aa
if node.hasField( field )
setFields[ field ] = aa[ field ]
addFields[ field ] = aa[ field ]
end if
end for
node.setFields( setFields )
node.addFields( addFields )
end function
And then I use the function in a separate .brs file like so:
AddAndSetFields( m.global, { globalContent: myVariableHere } )
After this is set and working correctly, I can retrieve and use the variable I need by calling m.global.globalContent
😄Hope that helps! I actually got that figured out by help from the forum!