Hi everyone,
I have been trying to run a few encrypted streams that use Verimatrix DRM but with no success. I tested with this sample stream
- URL: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/ott-content/vod/elemental/cars/cars_600-nodrm.m3u8",
- CP Name: "Verimatrix",
- VCAS: "public-ott-nodrm.verimatrix.com:80"
but got the same error. I've created a simple app, followed these
steps, tried playing but after a couple of seconds I only get the error message (video.errorMsg) "DRM exception: setupCipher: -2" and video.errorCode "-6" (DRM error).
Also, from what I can tell, i
t is not possible to run via the Stream Tester[/url:2er79l1e] since there is no option to set the Verimatrix parameters.
If someone ha...