I started with Simple_Grid_and_Video.zip
In GridScreen.brs, I changed the OnItemFocused() to update the title of the currently selected row in the rowList to the title of the focused item:
focusedContent = m.top.content.getChild(itemFocused[0]).getChild(itemFocused[1])
if focusedContent <> invalid then
+ rowX = m.rowList.content.getChild(itemFocused[0])
+ rowX.title = focusedContent.title
'set focused content to top interface
m.top.focusedContent = focusedContent
The issue: when I change the selected item in a row, the title changes, but the selection "jumps back" to the previously selected item.
So say I start the app, I see the first item title in the row title "Live Gaming", but if I hit the right arrow once, the title changes to "Let's Get Cookin'", but the selection quickly goes back to the first item (Twitch)... What is happening?
This seems to occur every time the rowX.title changes; if I just change it to a constant string, it doesn't do it, and if I try to change it to show the index of the selected item in the row (itemFocused[1]), then it does the same thing.