Hi All,
I did some research but could not find a proper documentation or a forum post on the following things.
1. How much memory / disk space does the Roku box has (Let's imagine the least expensive box)
2. How to monitor how much such memory/ disk space is available for the app (on runtime)
Let's say an app loads images from an online source. My way of loading them is to either use roUrlTransfer object to download them to the disk and then create a roBitmap OR use the roTextureManager object. But I could not find a way to see how much memory is left for further load images. I faced a problem in my app. I.e. I loaded some images, but when I tried to run a video using roVideoPlayer (I must use the roVideoPlayer instead of roVideoScreen) but the video did not play when there are images loaded. But when I ran the roVideoPlayer without loading any image, it worked fine. Then I tried deleting the downloaded bitmaps in the drive as well as removing the created sprites. But it seemed it didn't help. I want to debug and see where I am going wrong. I know in the debug mode we can use the "bsc" to see the instances. Is there a better way?
3. How to manage memory
What are the best practices on developing fully customized Roku apps?
Thank you very much,