RokuJoel, RokuKC, RokuMarkN, RokuShawnS are saving grace to "A Fish Called roWanda".
roWanda is a magical, if mostly-deaf golden fish.
But still - roWanda has magical abilities! If there are enough people - loud enough to make it hear and persistent enough to keep the goal in front, it can change the world!
There are some other great Roku people i have encountered in my dealings with the Co, who do not visit the forums. And then there are those who are not so great - usually for being jaded, apathetic, "it's just a job - i just work here and do what i am told". The latter won't be seen in the forums because nobody pays them to. And unfortunately, "any sufficiently advanced cluelessness is indistinguishable from malice".
Where was i... right, Roku's developer support - as a whole, not great. As a rule, they drop the ball on proactively following up with cases or even replying to emails. But if you luck out with the person on the other side, things will get done.