"RokuPatrick" wrote:
Channels will need to be updated by the developers to accept the parameters when launched. We're hopeful channels will start to support this, but until the functionality is added to channels, there's not much more you can do other than launch the channel.
Is Netflix player not written and maintained by Roku in collaboration with Netflix?
Because if it's Roku's channel, I'd hope you guys will allow that channel to accept parameters. The most pressing need there I believe is for a parameter to specify (or reset) the current position in users instant queue!
The way the channel behaves is that when started it positions cursor (selection) on the last selected movie from the instant queue. The problem is, there is no way to go to the beginning or the end of the queue, because the queue is actually a "ring" - scrolling to the left or right wraps around. While someone may have thought this convenient for a user, it does not allow for a remote control (over IP) application to position on correct flic requested. See DvpRemote for iPhone for a heroic attempt to make this work and how bad UI has to be, in essence saying "you requested movie X, to locate it i need to know where you stand right now - are you on movie Y now? and if not, could you please select from the list on which movie Z is the cursor, so i can find in Netflix channel the movie X you requested"
There should be a way by optional start parameter
1. to specify where in the instant queue should the selection go,
2. or more rudimentary, presence of param specify to go to position 1
3. or at least an ECP button press that will position to 1
Regarding (3), how about making "InstantReplay" button jump back to the queue beginning? This way users that have the new remote with "circle back" arrow can also enjoy this functionality!