I am trying to play a pre-roll video ad using Roku ad Framework, but am getting an error in the console, though the ad is played.
When trying to execute the following code in isolate environment I get the following error:
adIface = Roku_Ads()
vastURL = "my valid vast URL"
adPods = adIface.getAds()
print "adPods are ",adPods
for each key in adPods
print " " key
end for
for each key in adPods
print " " adPods[key]
end for
Attempt to use a non-numeric array index not allowed at print " " adPods[key]
and when I try to show ads, I get the following error:
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: roku_ads_lib:/Roku_Ads.brs(2729)
I followed everything said in the RAF. Am I doing something wrong ?