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Response from input query?

I've been reading thru the External Control Guide ( ... trol+Guide). I'm looking for ways to control a Roku thru the network to always make sure it's launched into a specific app playing a live video stream. It will be attached to a public TV and act as a digital signage system.

One concern would be how to monitor the system remotely, to make sure the video is being played out. The complicated solution is to have the app ping some web service periodically, and when it stops pinging, that means the video stopped play out and to re-launch the channel remotely.

I'm looking to see if I could ping the Roku instead, by sending it an input query and getting some response back. However, the external control guide doesn't make any mention of getting a response from input commands sent to the app.

Does anyone know if that's possible, or have some suggestions for what I'm trying to accomplish?
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Response from input query?

I'm not sure if the input parameters supply the sending IP, but it could be manually included by you and then the Roku could use sockets to send a blind message back (since what you'd send is itself an acknowledgment it shouldn't expect or wait for one back).
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Response from input query?

You could ping your channel using sockets, sending a request to the channel from an external client application and getting a response back. Note that If the client application is not running on the same local network as the Roku, the channel user would have to allow access through their firewall to the Roku channel's receiving port.

If you want to explore this further, I can post some code I have that does this.
0 Kudos

Re: Response from input query?


Ok, so I could ping the channel, but how would the channel respond? Some code example would be nice, thanks
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Response from input query?

This should get you started. This Roku channel code simply listens for a request sent to port 42424 from a client then echoes the request back to the client:

Sub Main ()
port = CreateObject ("roMessagePort")
ui = CreateObject ("roVideoScreen")
ui.SetMessagePort (port)
ui.SetCertificatesFile ("common:/certs/ca-bundle.crt")
ui.SetLoop (True)
ui.SetContent ({
StreamFormat: "mp4",
Stream: {
Url: "",
Bitrate: 581,
Quality: False,
StreamType: "mp4"
ui.Show ()

alive = aliveInit (port)

While True
msg = Wait (0, port)
If Type (msg) = "roVideoScreenEvent"
Print "roVideoScreenEvent"
' Handle roVideoScreenEvent here ...
Else If Type (msg) = "roSocketEvent"
alive.processEvent (msg)
End While

End Sub

' Return an 'alive' object, which has a 'processEvent' method to handle socket event completions
Function aliveInit (port As Object) As Object
this = {}

' Use the same port used by the UI component
this.port = port

' Allocate a byte array for receiving data from, or sending data to, the client
this.buffer = CreateObject ("roByteArray")
this.bufSize = 512
this.buffer [this.bufSize - 1] = 0 ' Ensure space allocated in buffer

' Create a connnection-oriented stream socket
this.listenSocket = CreateObject ("roStreamSocket")

' Associate the message port with the socket
this.listenSocket.SetMessagePort (port)

' Define the socket address which will be bound with the socket
listenAddress = CreateObject ("roSocketAddress")

' Define which port will be used to listen for incoming connections
listenAddress.SetPort (42424)

' Bind the socket address with the socket
this.listenSocket.SetAddress (listenAddress)

' Ensure that a socket event will be generated when the socket becomes readable
this.listenSocket.NotifyReadable (True)

' Cause the bound socket to enter the listening state
this.listenSocket.Listen (2)

' Check that the socket is in the listening state
If Not this.listenSocket.IsListening ()
Print "Socket is not listening"
Return Invalid

' Socket object for the socket returned by a connection
this.connectionSocket = Invalid

' Handle an roSocketEvent completion
this.processEvent = Function (msg As Object) As Void
' Socket event-handling loop
If m.listenSocket.IsListening () And m.listenSocket.eOK ()
' If the event occurs on the listening socket, it is for a new connection,
' otherwise for an existing connection
If msg.GetSocketID () = m.listenSocket.GetID () And m.listenSocket.IsReadable ()
' New connection
If m.connectionSocket <> Invalid
' If there is already an existing connection, terminate it
Print "Terminating existing connection"
m.connectionSocket.Close ()
m.connectionSocket = Invalid
' Accept the new connection
m.connectionSocket = m.listenSocket.Accept ()
If m.connectionSocket = Invalid
Print "Accept failed"
Print "Accepted new connection"
m.connectionSocket.NotifyReadable (True)
m.connectionSocket.SetMessagePort (m.port)
Else If msg.GetSocketId () = m.connectionSocket.GetID () And m.connectionSocket.IsReadable ()
' Existing connection
If m.connectionSocket.IsReadable ()
' Read data from the client
recvLen = m.connectionSocket.Receive (m.buffer, 0, m.bufSize - 1)
Print "Bytes received: "; recvLen
If recvLen > 0
' Null terminate the input data so it can be printed
m.buffer [recvLen] = 0
Print "Echo input: "; m.buffer.ToAsciiString ()
' Send data back to the client
m.connectionSocket.Send (m.buffer, 0, recvLen)
If recvLen = 0 Or Not m.connectionSocket.eOK ()
m.connectionSocket.Close ()
m.connectionSocket = Invalid
Print "Unknown connection"

' Close the socket if something went wrong
If Not m.listenSocket.IsListening () Or Not m.listenSocket.eOK ()
Print "Socket loop exited"
m.listenSocket.Close ()
If m.connectionSocket <> Invalid
m.connectionSocket.Close ()

End Function

Return this
End Function

Here's some Python client code that just sends a "Hello" message to the Roku channel then prints out the echoed response:

import socket

# create an INET, STREAMing socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

# now connect to the Roku on port 42424
s.connect(('', 42424))

# send a poll request to the Roku

# receive a response from the Roku
response = s.recv(512)

# print the Roku's response
print (response)

# terminate the socket
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