I am having this problem too, clearing the Registry of user information (logging in/logging out).
I'm using the new SG framework, and it has a deleteRegistry sub function in generalUtilies that looks like this:
sub deleteRegistry(keySection="" As String)
print "Starting Delete Registry"
Registry = CreateObject("roRegistry")
i = 0
if keySection <> "" then
RegistrySection = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", keySection)
for each key in RegistrySection.GetKeyList()
i = i+1
print "Deleting " keySection + ":" key
end for
for each section in Registry.GetSectionList()
RegistrySection = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
for each key in RegistrySection.GetKeyList()
i = i+1
print "Deleting " section + ":" key
end for
end for
end if
print i.toStr() " Registry Keys Deleted"
end sub
And I call it with
However, it seems like this data is still persisting. Has anyone else experienced this and had better luck??
UPDATE: I removed flush() from this function, and that seems to help the problem. I read that flush actually persists data to storage, even in the event of a reboot, so that would make sense why things were still persisting. I'm not 100% sure this was the issue, or if this even resolved....has anyone else had a similar experience with flush()?