"rsromeo" wrote:
yes. actually in the debugger, looks like Run is running the script but the error I get says
/tmp/plugin/FABAAAmzGSZ1/tmp:/test.brs(64): runtime error ec: 'Dot' Operator attempted with invalid BrightScript Component or interface reference.
In remote script, I am making reference to an object in the calling script which is why I think I'm getting the error. My remote script looks something like this...
list = CreateObject("roList")
x= list.GetIndex()
while x <> invalid
if show.Title = x then
screen.AddButton(2, "test")
end if
x = list.GetIndex()
end while
The error is on the line that says (if show.Title). "show" is an object in the calling script. how can I make the calling script and remote script interact with each other so the variables are recognized in each?
Unless you are testing method equivalence (not return value), shouldn't that be "show.Title()" instead of "show.Title"?
My original testing on this was to convert an existing app of mine to be entirely loaded from the network. To do so, I changed references to files shipped with it tmp:/ paths, and in the initialization routine for it, had it download and store the files in tmp:/. After that, which still works as a standalone app, I simply had a small 10-20 line app that downloaded the script files and did a Run() on them. Think of it as identical to sideloading your app (needs a main, etc) except you have to use tmp:/ for files and either download them to tmp:/ ahead of time or within the downloaded code. If you think of it that way, it's fairly easy to debug using the normal sideloading process, and then switch to downloaded code after most the bugs have been worked out.
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