Try this to get your learning curve rolling:
1. figure out how to create an RoXMLTransfer object
2.use it to retrieve your rss feed with the gettostring function (I recommend the synchronous function for starting off)
3. Now create an XML object and figure out how to use the parse function to get the data from your rss feed into an object you can work with
4. Now figure out how to get the data elements out of the xml object into text strings in an array (Hint, two different types of arrays are used for this process)
5. Create an audioplayer object the way you did #1
6. figure out how to load and play audio files with it
7. figure out how to get the mp3 urls from your processed xml object into the audioplayer.
Of course, you can ask questions in the forum for each step of the way when you have trouble.
- Joel
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