Not sure this has been posted before, but after doing a few hours of dev on my dev enabled Roku 3, it started to not accept new builds. It would hang on the step where it was uploading to server and then when I would hit cancel the error message said something like <meta refresh failed content=0 blah... > . I had seen this before, but usually a power cycle on the device would fix this and I could then begin sending debug builds again. In this case, when it didn't work, I took the next steps of hard power cycling by pulling the plug, restarting my macbook, and then eventually hard resetting the device. That was a mistake as when I went back to the MyAccount and tried to re-link my now freshly reset Roku 3, the linking process was interrupted with an error on the web page flow. I refreshed the page and it then said the device was linked and the device moved on like it was linked, but when I went to put it in dev mode, it said it wasn't linked. I tried this multiple times and always got the same results. Seems like something is broken on the site or with the linking process for the devices.