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Channel Surfer

Problem with CURL / Url Calling, thread or task not closed

Hi everyone.
I have a problem with my content download function.

In practice, it seems like it doesn't close the task/thread and I have no idea how to fix it

my log after crash...

1* ...ts/LoaderTasks/UriFetcher.brs(5) = "RUN" 2 ...ts/LoaderTasks/UriFetcher.brs(14) msg = wait(0, m.port) 3 ...ts/LoaderTasks/UriFetcher.brs(14) msg = wait(0, m.port) 4 ...ts/LoaderTasks/UriFetcher.brs(14) msg = wait(0, m.port) 5 ...ts/LoaderTasks/UriFetcher.brs(14) msg = wait(0, m.port) 6 ...ts/LoaderTasks/UriFetcher.brs(14) msg = wait(0, m.port) 7 ...ts/LoaderTasks/UriFetcher.brs(14) msg = wait(0, m.port) ....
101 ...ts/LoaderTasks/UriFetcher.brs(14) msg = wait(0, m.port)

and my code 

function init()
m.port = createObject("roMessagePort")"request", m.port) = "go" = "RUN"
m.ret = true
m.maxNumberXfers = 20
end function

function go() as void
m.jobsById = {}
m.cachedRequest = []
while true
msg = wait(0, m.port)
if msg = invalid
print "No messages received, continuing loop."
continue while
end if
mt = type(msg)
currentTime = getCurrentTime()

for each idKey in m.jobsById
job = m.jobsById[idKey]
if job.startTime <> invalid then
if currentTime - job.startTime > 60000 ' 60 secondi
print "UriFetcher: Timeout for job id: "; idKey
job.xfer.abort() ' Aborta il trasferimento
m.jobsById.delete(idKey) ' Rimuovi il job in timeout
end if
end if
end for

if mt = "roSGNodeEvent"
if msg.getField() = "request"
m.ret = addRequest(msg.getData())
print "UriFetcher: unrecognized field '"; msg.getField(); "'"
end if
else if mt = "roUrlEvent"
print "UriFetcher: unrecognized event type '"; mt; "'"
end if
if m.ret = false
print "UriFetcher: too many requests"
print "UriFetcher: a request saved to cache "
end if
end while
end function

function addRequest(request as object) as boolean
if type(request) = "roAssociativeArray"
context = request.context
if type(context) = "roSGNode"
parameters = context.parameters
if type(parameters) = "roAssociativeArray"
uri = parameters.uri
if type(uri) = "roString"

if m.jobsById.Count() < m.maxNumberXfers
newXfer = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")

' newXfer.setTimeout(60000)
newXfer.AddHeader("X-Roku-Reserved-Dev-Id", "")
newXfer.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
if <> invalid
print "Authorization" + "Bearer " +
newXfer.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " +
end if
' should transfer more stuff from parameters to urlXfer
idKey = stri(newXfer.getIdentity()).trim()
if parameters.requestBody <> invalid
postRequest = formatJson(parameters.requestBody)
ok = newXfer.AsyncPostFromString(postRequest)
ok = newXfer.AsyncGetToString()
end if

if ok
m.jobsById[idKey] = { context: context, xfer: newXfer }
print "UriFetcher: initiating transfer '"; idkey; "' for URI '"; uri; "'"; " succeeded: "; ok
print "UriFetcher: invalid uri: "; uri
end if
print "UriFetcher: urlTransferPool is fully used"
return false
end if

end if
end if
end if
end if
return true
end function

function processResponse(msg as object)
idKey = stri(msg.GetSourceIdentity()).trim()
job = m.jobsById[idKey]

if job <> invalid
m.ret = true
context = job.context
parameters = context.parameters
uri = parameters.uri
result = { code: msg.getResponseCode(), content: msg.getString() }
print "UriFetcher: response for transfer job idkey'"; idkey; "' for URI '"; uri; "'"
' next code caould be use for test new api calls,
' just change text to ypur specific end point
' if Instr(1, parameters.uri, "/api/v1/saveprofile") <> 0
' ? result
' end if
' could handle various error codes, retry, etc.
if result.code = 429
headers = msg.GetResponseHeaders()
print "UriFetcher: Server error code: 429"
print "UriFetcher: Server response: Too Many Requests, trying to repeat request after "; headers["retry-after"]; " seconds"
sleep(headers["retry-after"].ToInt() * 1000)
ok = addRequest(job)
if not ok
print "UriFetcher: too many requests in process"
print "UriFetcher: a request saved to cache"
end if
job.context.response = result
end if
job.xfer = invalid
job.context = invalid
print "UriFetcher: event for unknown job "; idkey
end if
' try to execute a cached job

if job.xfer <> invalid
job.xfer = invalid ' Invalida l'oggetto roUrlTransfer dopo il completamento
end if
end function

function tryCachedRequests()
if m.cachedRequest.Count() <> 0
sleep(1000) ' Aggiungi un breve ritardo per evitare sovraccarico
request = m.cachedRequest.Shift() ' Prendi la richiesta dalla cache
print "UriFetcher: trying to execute cached request"
ok = addRequest(request)
if not ok
print "UriFetcher: too many requests in process"
m.cachedRequest.Push(request) ' Rimetti la richiesta in cache se non può essere processata
end if
end if
end function

function getCurrentTime() as Integer
dt = CreateObject("roDateTime")
return dt.AsSeconds() ' Restituisce il tempo in millisecondi
end function

sub printStatus()
print "Number of request in cahed queue: "; m.cachedRequest.count()
print "Number of jobs in processing: "; m.jobsById.count()
end sub

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Community Streaming Expert

Re: Problem with CURL / Url Calling, thread or task not closed

Is this a problem with a channel you are developing?

You've posted to a forum for Roku users, where few, if any, will be able to help. The Developers forums are a couple of doors down the hall:

Roku Community Streaming Expert
I am not a Roku employee, only a user like you.  Please, no support questions via private message -- post them publicly to the Community where others may benefit as well.
If this post solves your problem please help others find this answer by clicking "Accept as Solution.".

Ultra 4800 | Streaming Stick 4K+ 3821 | TCL Roku TV 43S245/C107X
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Channel Surfer

Re: Problem with CURL / Url Calling, thread or task not closed

Unfortunately I'm having a hard time understanding where I could put the object so it can be recycled.

Can you kindly give me an example?

0 Kudos
Community Streaming Expert

Re: Problem with CURL / Url Calling, thread or task not closed


No, I don't know beans about app development or coding.

The Developers forums are a couple of doors down the hall:

Roku Community Streaming Expert
I am not a Roku employee, only a user like you.  Please, no support questions via private message -- post them publicly to the Community where others may benefit as well.
If this post solves your problem please help others find this answer by clicking "Accept as Solution.".

Ultra 4800 | Streaming Stick 4K+ 3821 | TCL Roku TV 43S245/C107X
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