@RokuTomC Absolutely no response from anyone still.
@RokuTomC Still nothing. I have some very unhappy customers. I guess this is not true "As an exception to our standard policy, Roku will publish channel updates that resolve issues related to this cert expiration throughout the weekend. If you submit a channel update during the weekend, please also open a ticket with our Partner Success team to request that they publish your channel." Very disappointing.
Yes, confirmed today by all my apps not working - they have really screwed up more than normal with this one.
So what is the fix when you are using their cert:
which I'm sure is 90%+ of their base.
I need an answer right now - Roku's cert is expired:
I can't update Roku's cert - do I just ask them to regenerate my channel and it will get their new cert? We have furious customers, stuck at home - this is a debacle.
My devices received the 9.3.0v4170 firmware update on Saturday with the updated cert bundle which fixed the errors I was seeing.
While waiting for official reply from Roku, you could ask your customers to manually check for updates on their device, and/or, get in touch with the service providers your app interfaces with and get them to update their certs server-side.
@jcgeorge - Exactly. Replacing the certs server side worked for me. Didn't need to wait for a Roku OS update.
I just confirmed 9.3.0v4170 firmware on this device, ran updates, rebooted - crash when:
This is not fixed. What is the fix?
"Replacing the certs server side worked for me."
How dd you replace Roku's embedded certs "server-side"?
@pcnweb - Video content might be streamed from a CDN - Content Delivery Network. When setting up the account on many CDNs, you can provide your own SSL certificate. That's the one that you replace.
If you do not have access to the SSL certificate from wherever your content is streamed from, then you need to talk to whoever manages their SSL certificates.
But... I just spoke with a client that had the same problem. He indicated that the new Roku OS is available (as an earlier message here indicates) but it may require a manual update: SETTINGS - SYSTEM - SYSTEM UPDATE - CHECK NOW. If the new update is available across all Roku devices then updating ought to be the easiest solution.