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Playing a static MP3 file from a webserver

Hi All, 

Sorry for another noob question - we are trying to understand how we can play a static audio file from our webserver with Roku on Hero-Grid-Channel.

We have used:
'Hero-Grid-Channel' as our starting point and we have carried out all the updates to the layout we need generally and replicated the RSS feed onto our webserver.

Based on the sample code, and the related RSS file for Hero-Grid-Channel we have: 

      <title>This is Title 1</title>
      <description>This is Description 1</description>
      <ReleaseDate>This is the date shown on screen</ReleaseDate>
      <guid isPermaLink="false">872502cbbd81464d97c376009fc36732</guid>
      <media:content channels="2" bitrate="20.0" duration="70" fileSize="314285" framerate="23.976" height="240" type="video/mp4" width="426" isDefault="true" url="">
        <media:keywords>These, Are, Keywords</media:keywords>
        <media:thumbnail url="" />
        <media:title>This is Title 2</media:title>

First Question (I want to learn and understand...) why does <link> have the same URL as the section beginning <media:content ....> we cant see the first <link> reference from anywhere and if we put garbage in, no errors generate.

We want to replace the .mp4 video file with a .mp3 file and then specify this in this RSS file (so we can change it hourly / daily / weekly etc.), what is the correct format we should use in this XML file and what part of DetailsScreen.brs would we need to change.  We can see that it all relates to video here and we know need to make changes.

I have looked at podcast-player-channel and we have managed to play the .mp3 from the webserver, .

Can you give me some ideas of what parts I need to pull from podcast-player and bring into Hero-Grid-Channel please?
Feel the Mood, Love our Music
We are Antenna Radio
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Re: Playing a static MP3 file from a webserver

Hi all,

We have managed to get what we need done with the look and feel of our channel.  But would appreciate any comments or feedback about switching from Video to Audio.  Thanks in advance!
Feel the Mood, Love our Music
We are Antenna Radio
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