I'm using the custom-playback-channel and trying to set it up so that pressing the up and down key will play the next item in the list.
So far here's the code.
' ********** Copyright 2016 Roku Corp. All Rights Reserved. ********** 'Main Scene Initialization with menu and video. sub init() m.player = m.top.FindNode("Video") m.list = m.top.FindNode("MenuList") m.listbg = m.top.FindNode("MenuBG") m.list.setFocus(true) 'Set the initial video player to some content' content = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode") content.url = "http://cdnamd-hls-globecast.akamaized.net/live/ramdisk/2m_monde/hls_video_ts/2m_monde.m3u8" content.streamformat = "hls" m.itemfocused = 0 m.player.content = content 'Tell the video player to play the content' m.player.control = "play" end sub 'Handle remote control key presses' function onKeyEvent(key as String, press as Boolean) as boolean print key + ":" ; press if press if key = "OK" print m.list.visible print m.list.itemfocused print m.itemfocused if m.list.ItemFocused = m.itemfocused and m.list.visible = true m.list.visible = false m.listbg.visible = false m.player.setfocus(true) else if m.list.visible = false m.list.visible = true m.listbg.visible = true else if m.list.visible = true m.itemfocused = m.list.itemfocused m.player.visible = false m.player.control = "stop" selectedContent = m.list.content.getChild(m.list.itemfocused) content = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode") content.url = selectedContent.url content.streamformat = selectedContent.description m.player.content = content m.player.visible = true m.player.control = "play" end if else if key = "play" if m.player.control = "pause" m.player.control = "resume" else m.player.control = "pause" end if else if key = "up" if m.list.visible = false m.player.control = "pause" end if else if key = "down" if m.list.visible = false m.player.control = "pause" end if else if key = "back" if m.list.visible = true m.list.visible = false m.listbg.visible = false m.player.setfocus(true) return true else m.list.visible = true m.listbg.visible = true m.list.setfocus(true) return true end if else print key end if else m.list.setfocus(true) end if end function
The farthest i've been able to get is to get the up and down key to react when being pressed (using pause as a placeholder).
else if key = "up" if m.list.visible = false m.player.control = "pause"
I've tried searching and using the developer docs but I think i'm stuck.
I'm trying to set this app up for someone who is vision impaired so If anyone has any suggestions how to make this work, i'd by very appreciative.
So where you added the "pause" placeholder, you want to do something like this:
if m.myIndex = invalid then m.myIndex =m.list.itemfocused if m.myIndex + 1 < m.list.content.getChildCount()
m.player.control = "stop"
nextContent = m.list.content.getChild(m.myIndex) content = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode") content.url = nextContent.url content.streamformat = nextContent.description m.player.content = content m.player.visible = true m.player.control = "play"
' no more items in playlist
end if