Hello, world!
We have one channel which use deprecated API. I'm developing version for new API, but there are problems:
1. New API is ugly because it allows easily to implement some channel by your templates using built-in interface elements, but if I want some custom elements I can do nothing, because I even can't pass arguments to them. I forced to make many workarounds to fix problems which appears when I use built-in components.
2. I'm writing the new version, but I see that this becomes too unresponsive. After pressing a button on remote user forced wait too long (>200ms). I want to rewrite all completely to not force user wait so long.
I have two questions:
1. When support of the old API will be dropped?
2. At least the approximate timing of the release of the new API (the earliest date when it maybe really released). I don't want to get into a situation, when today I have finished the product for current API and tomorrow appears new API, and I again need to rewrite all.
You've asked this in the user forum. You need to ask this in the developer's forum. It's available as one of the dropdown selections near the top of the page.
Thanks for readdressing my message.
The fact is that "Roku Developer Program" is absolutely not informative, by this name I can't suggest that it is community. "Program" is code for me.
Maybe even developer's forum is not place for this question? Where I must place it?
Most end users have no idea what API even means, so I have doubts anyone on this side would respond. The developers side of the community is the only place you'll potentially reach anyone that has an understanding of your question, and familiarity with the API in question. So that's my suggest where it would best be placed. You're probably correct that the developer forum isn't well named. 😄
I think Developer forum is the perfect name. What would you call it?
To try to answer the OP's questions...
New API? It's been out for a few years now. I've posted on more than one occasion that I hate it, so I'm not the best person to answer questions about it. You can do pretty much anything you want using the new API/SDK, but it's tedious at best (that may just be me; see my comment about hating it). If all you've ever done is take a Roku sample and make minor modifications to it then you'll have a lot of problems modifying their new samples. What device are you using for development? Older devices may support it, but UIs may be sluggish.
I suggest you take the video course:
As far as the old components, they were supposed to be removed by now. You should feel lucky your channel still works at all. You won't be able to make any updates to it if it's a public channel (in the Channel Store). I believe you can still update private channels that use deprecated components, but no one knows how long that will last.
So in answer to your questions:
1. It could be any day, but I would hope Roku would make an announcement. Anyone using the old components is definitely on borrowed time.
2. Huh? Unless I missed something the "new" API is complete and has been for some time. Of course, there will always be updates.
I agree, Developer Forum is a good name. But they label it Developer Program here on the forum, with a separate group for Direct Publisher. Not sure the differences between the two, but then I've never made a serious effort to create a channel.
> I think Developer forum is the perfect name. What would you call it?
I absolutely agree. "Developer forum" is the perfect name.
> I've posted on more than one occasion that I hate it
Hatred is a wonderful feeling when it is directed not at people, but at phenomena and if it has goal to fix them.
Thank you for the link to the course. I don't sure how many time will take to see it in English (it is not my native), but they promised that your applications after this course will have high performance and it is that I need.
> As far as the old components, they were supposed to be removed by now. You should feel lucky your channel still works at all.
Yes, we are really lucky 🙂
Really I think that the best development of events is new API = Android. Stop reinventing the wheel!