is the any relation with the app name/version to the manifest major minor build version while packaging the channel. will there be any problem while uploading this package during channel publishing
As I found out recently, you can upload (and have published) any package for any channel whether or not anything in the manifest matches. Lesson here was don't submit updates when you're half asleep. I believe it will give an error or warning if the package is signed by a different key than the current published package.
As I found out recently, you can upload (and have published) any package for any channel whether or not anything in the manifest matches. Lesson here was don't submit updates when you're half asleep. I believe it will give an error or warning if the package is signed by a different key than the current published package.
i could not understand properly can you please explain please
The answer to your questions are no and no - there isn't any relation and it won't cause any problem.
Thanks for your help
can you please tell me i am uploading the new package and adding the channel using its access code but not able to see on my channels list of my device
I don't know if I can help, but make sure you have all the proper regions set under Properties. I've seen this kind of thing mentioned before, but I don't know what the solution was.
please tell me that static analysis and deep linking check mark is necessary for non-certified channel publishing properly
I don't think they're necessary, but I'm not sure. It's been a while since I updated a private channel. One thing, you asked if the manifest information had to match what's in the channel information and, as I said, it doesn't. However, make sure your version numbers are increasing. I don't think you can update a current channel that's at 3.2 (for example) with a new channel that's version 1.0. Another thing, make sure you've specified the minimum firmware version properly. If you have that set to 9.3 and the device you're trying to load it on only has 9.2 you won't see it. And one final point, older devices are no longer receiving any updates - firmware or channels.
Thanks a lot for your information. I'm sure that i didn't had that much information
Roku 2 XS will take update?
my roku device have a firmware version of 9.1.0 will i be able to publish using this device or i have to upgrade
Ah, now we're getting somewhere. Roku 2 XS has been retired and will no longer receive any updates. Yes, it's time for an upgrade. You could use it to package, but it's definitely not advised as it won't get any more firmware updates, so you'll always be testing with an old firmware version.