The process of creating a Private channel:
1. upload zip to roku
2. encrypt with your key ("Packaging")
3. Save from your Roku to your hard drive.
4. Create a new channel at
https://owner.roku.com5. Enter the name, short and long descriptions, categories in which it may appear and any requirements
6. Upload two images, SD and HD formated .jpg files
7. Upload your saved package from your hard drive.
8. click the channel code that was generated when you uploaded your package, and add the channel to your account
9. Open the Roku Channel Store on your device
10. Exit the channel store. This will trigger an update that should put your channel on your Roku.
Creating a Public Channel will be 90% the same, except you will submit the channel to Roku, were we will review it, provided feedback and request changes or bug fixes we require you to make before we can approve your channel for publication.
- Joel