I figured it would be usefull to have a tool that is not dependant on boost so here's an equivalent to webtool that will work on ANY platform that
supports python and ffmpeg!!!!!!! BTW before you run this be sure you have ffmpeg installed and in your path.
Biftool is broken in macports and possibly broken elsewhere too. We actually need the source to bifttol so we can recompile it, but it appears not be opensource.
so use the work around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't write it, but I found it looking for a solution. thanks Brian Lane!
#!/bin/env python
Create .bif files for Roku video streaming
Copyright 2009-2011 by Brian C. Lane <bcl@brianlane.com>
All Rights Reserved
makebif.py --help for arguments
Requires ffmpeg to be in the path
NOTE: The jpg image sizes are set to the values posted by bbefilms in the Roku
development forums. They may or may not be correct for your video aspect ratio.
They don't look right for me when I set the video height to 480
import os
import sys
import tempfile
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import struct
import array
import shutil
from optparse import OptionParser
# for mode 0, 1, 2, 3
videoSizes = [(240,180), (320,240), (240,136), (320,180)]
# Extension to add to the file for mode 0, 1, 2, 3
modeExtension = ['SD', 'HD', 'SD', 'HD']
def getMP4Info(filename):
Get mp4 info about the video
details = { 'type':"", 'length':0, 'bitrate':1500, 'format':"", 'size':""}
cmd = "mp4info %s" % (filename)
p = Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE )
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
# Parse the results
for line in stdout.split('\n'):
fields = line.split(None, 2)
files = os.listdir("%s" % (directory))
images = []
for image in files:
if image[-4:] == '.jpg':
images = images[1:]
f = open(filename, "wb")
array.array('B', magic).tofile(f)
f.write(struct.pack("<I1", version))
f.write(struct.pack("<I1", len(images)))
f.write(struct.pack("<I1", 1000 * interval))
array.array('B', [0x00 for x in xrange(20,64)]).tofile(f)
bifTableSize = 8 + (8 * len(images))
imageIndex = 64 + bifTableSize
timestamp = 0
# Get the length of each image
for image in images:
statinfo = os.stat("%s/%s" % (directory, image))
f.write(struct.pack("<I1", timestamp))
f.write(struct.pack("<I1", imageIndex))
timestamp += 1
imageIndex += statinfo.st_size
f.write(struct.pack("<I1", 0xffffffff))
f.write(struct.pack("<I1", imageIndex))
# Now copy the images
for image in images:
data = open("%s/%s" % (directory, image), "rb").read()
def main():
Extract jpg images from the video and create a .bif file
parser = OptionParser()
Extract jpg images from the video and create a .bif file
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option( "-m", "--mode", dest="mode", type='int', default=0,
help="(0=SD) 4:3 1=HD 4:3 2=SD 16:9 3=HD 16:9")
parser.add_option( "-i", "--interval", dest="interval", type='int', default=10,
help="Interval between images in seconds (default is 10)")
parser.add_option( "-o", "--offset", dest="offset", type='int', default=0,
help="Offset to first image in seconds (default is 7)")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Get the video file to operate on
videoFile = args[0]
print "Creating .BIF file for %s" % (videoFile)
# This may be useful for determining the video format
# Get info about the video file
videoInfo = getMP4Info(videoFile)
if videoInfo["size"]:
size = videoInfo["size"].split("x")
aspectRatio = float(size[0]) / float(size[1])
width, height = videoSizes[options.mode]
height = int(width / aspectRatio)
videoSizes[options.mode] = (width, height)
tmpDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# Extract jpg images from the video file
extractImages( videoFile, tmpDirectory, options.interval, options.mode, options.offset )
bifFile = "%s-%s.bif" % (os.path.basename(videoFile).rsplit('.',1)[0], modeExtension[options.mode])
# Create the BIF file
makeBIF( bifFile, tmpDirectory, options.interval )
# Clean up the temporary directory
if __name__ == '__main__':