I'm only about six weeks ahead of you so I actually know nothing, but I can tell you that unlike PHP/MysQl/CSS etc. there are no manuals, there are no books and what you will find on the interwebs is a few simple examples that come directly from the SDK. Start with section 7 in the developers guide and learn how to get one of the examples from the examples/zips folder in the SDK into your Roku box. After you can do that, Look through the examples and find the one that matches your needs the closest and get whichever one of you who built the website to start modifying that example source and go from there. The Brightscript Reference And Component Reference are the next docs to keep handy. This board is THE place to get answers, and the folks here want to help and are indeed very helpful, but the catch is you have to know something before you can ask a question that someone can answer. Once you do, you will get help here.
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