INSTRUCTIONS:To play: use the arrow keys to move the white cursor-box to a letter, and "select" to choose. Once you've chosen four letters, press either "play" or "fast-forward" to submit your guess. If you choose a wrong letter, use "rewind" to delete letters before submitting your guess.
For every letter that's both correct AND in the correct location, you'll get a blue peg. For every letter that's correct but NOT in the correct location, you'll get a yellow peg. The goal is to guess the hidden word before you run out of chances.
"TheEndless" wrote:
it wasn't very obvious how to play (more specifically to press Play/Pause to submit a guess, and that blue meant a letter was in the right place). Had you not said it was a "Mastermind" game, I wouldn't have had any idea what to do.
Yeah, I wrestled with in-game instructions. I wanted to keep the game compatible with the first-gen remote (which is the one I have), so I couldn't think of a good way to implement them in-game. Currently, the only place the instructions show up is in the full description in the Channel Store (which obviously doesn't help anyone who installs the game via my direct link). Hmm...I'll give it some more thought...
"RokuPatrick" wrote:
And I'm a bit concerned about the first ad I got: A turd with glasses advertisting "The Poofessor Show". As clever as that is, i don't think it'll be approved 🙂

Yes, I was curious to see the reaction to this guy. My plan was to use the ad space to promote various other projects I work on, and the Poofessor is definitely the most extreme! I'm okay to replace him with a different ad if you think he's a non-starter. I'll put a new ad up before I submit it to the Content Store.
But it begs a question. The ad graphic is located on a website, so I can dynamically update it anytime I want. But obviously, I don't want to risk uploading a new graphic that gets flagged as unacceptable. So is there anything else you can tell me about guidelines for what content can and can't be included, beyond what's in the Developer Agreement? Or is there any sort of recurring approval process for dynamic content like this?