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Roku Guru

Re: New project Prince of Persia (open source available)

"joetesta" wrote:
oops i hit a bug, i wonder if i can upload a video? the kid fell off the ledge where the first spikes are (I suck at this game, but great at finding bugs!)
he's stuck in an endless loop falling over and over...
Update: played for a while longer and that didn't happen again. Didn't get out of level 1 though...

I saw that happening once but was never able to reproduce again, will investigate it.

If you have a GitHub account you can report issues at: ... oku/issues

Thanks for you time testing it 🙂
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: New project Prince of Persia (open source available)

I started the Shadow development and committed a couple of bug fixes.

Please if you downloaded the code, let me know your impressions, and ideas.
0 Kudos
Binge Watcher

Re: New project Prince of Persia (open source available)

"marcelo.cabral" wrote:
I saw that happening once but was never able to reproduce again, will investigate it.

Happened to me the first time I played, in the default mode, Couldn't reproduce again though.

- Joel
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: New project Prince of Persia (open source available)

"RokuJoel" wrote:
"marcelo.cabral" wrote:
I saw that happening once but was never able to reproduce again, will investigate it.

Happened to me the first time I played, in the default mode, Couldn't reproduce again though.

- Joel

Yeah this is a tricky bug, it happens both with the prince and the guards, I will spend some time next weekend to try to force it.
0 Kudos
Binge Watcher

Re: New project Prince of Persia (open source available)

Might just be something that happens the first time the app is run, reproduced by accident after re-installing the channel:

Here is a video of it with debug turned on, hope this helps.

edit: figured out how to repro it successfully multiple times: video with debug on.

- Joel
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: New project Prince of Persia (open source available)

"RokuJoel" wrote:
Might just be something that happens the first time the app is run, reproduced by accident after re-installing the channel:

Here is a video of it with debug turned on, hope this helps.

edit: figured out how to repro it successfully multiple times: video with debug on.

- Joel

Great Joel, it helps a lot, thanks!

I'm in Vegas for a quick vacation, if I don't get rich winning a poker tournament I will take a look on Sunday.
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: New project Prince of Persia (open source available)

i feel i have seen this happen in the original game, stuck in such a fall/die sequence?
so it might not be a bug in the translation but rather a "very faithful" port?
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: New project Prince of Persia (open source available)

I fixed the "endless fall" issue, it was a wall bump happening in the exact moment of the "land", that was moving the character into the wall.
I submitted the fix to GitHub, will be available on the Private Channel with the next beta release (v0.10)
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: New project Prince of Persia (open source available)

Beta Release "The Shadow" (v0.10)

This is the second Beta release of the game, the main changes are:

  • All Shadow appearances were implemented;

  • It's now possible to finish Level 3. The button to open room 2 was too far to reach the gate in time with the Roku control limitations;

  • A checkpoint is now in Level 3 Room 2, so if the kid dies after that point, he will revive there;

  • The Skeleton skills were too high, adjusted to the same of the original DOS game;

  • Added a visual indicator (white border) to the Shift mode, it helps a lot to avoid running into an abyss;

  • Bug fixes.

Check the full Changelog at ...
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Roku Guru

Re: New project Prince of Persia (open source available)

Those are very welcome and positive fixes/changes 🙂
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