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Re: New Beta for Chaneru Streaming Local Media Server.

    September 24
    Server: Fix for large movies on windows XP ( over 2gig ).

    September 22
    Channel: Fixed network share for background music bad url.
    Server: Fixed network share directory access failing on "." and ".." stat().

    September 21
    Channel: Removed the "HD" tag check added in the previous version.
    Server: Fix for seeking to the wrong address on large files.

    September 20
    Channel: Removed timer for "Movie failed to start".
    Added an external flag for "HD" movies in filename.
    Server: Fix to allow access to files over 32 bit limit (2 Gig).
    Increased iTunes changed check to 30 seconds.
    Fixed incorrect clock times in trace logs.
    Increased thread priority for better performance.
    Fix for segment fault during iTunes table build.
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Re: New Beta for Chaneru Streaming Local Media Server.

September 26.
Server: Added minimize to tray.
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Re: New Beta for Chaneru Streaming Local Media Server.


I was wondering how your app scales up to very large music libraries? I have 75K+ songs and I'm looking for a media player that can handle them without seriously impacting performance.

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Re: New Beta for Chaneru Streaming Local Media Server.

If you are using iTunes, the overhead of indexing the songs, albums is half in the server/tables builder and the channel.
The server parses the iTunes XML file and produces lists that makes it easier for the channel to process.
I've seen a 12,000 song xml file take about 35 seconds on the server and 30 seconds when the channel loads up.
If you don't want to load the indices, you can cancel out of the channel processing and continue with something else.
The advantage to using iTunes is the categorizing into albums, artists, songs and playlists.

If your songs are saved in some sort of directory arrangement, it may be faster but it depends on the number of objects at any given level.
If you have a folder "Songs" with 10,000 album directories, I don't even know if it wouldn't crash ????
The overhead of a song is the same, direct access.

That's a lot of music ! They only thing I can say is give it a try.
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Binge Watcher

Re: New Beta for Chaneru Streaming Local Media Server.

I have a few feature requests...

1.) artwork for folders, or maybe you do?

2.) that the videos first show the appDetail screen

3.) when you pause the photos, the overlay sits right in the middle of the screen, the reason you pause it is to look at it, and a big chunk of it is is blocked with that overlay with the image count

4.) maybe have the folders and any extra images at the other end or change the "setFocusedListItem" to start like at 3 or something , i have folder of subtitles for my wife and some pics that may be left around

But so far I love this and the simplicity of ease! I have posted several times in the main forum how i like it....

are you familiar with ffmpeg etc? or

if you could get these working together you would have one heck of a setup!
Twitter: iptvmyway facebook: iptvmyay
Channels: Warriors of War, Go Fight Live, Heading Outdoorz, IPTVmyway
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Re: New Beta for Chaneru Streaming Local Media Server.

1. It can do artwork, it looks for a folder.jpg or cover.jpg or "Albumart......".jpg or a jpg with the same name as the media file. It won't do iTunes artwork because of the way Apple links to it.

2. I'm going to change the layout, graphics but not for a while. But there is a problem, I don't have details on the videos. Do you know if there is meaningful data in the atom tags for most movies ? I know that a video shot on the iPhone wouldn't, other than date.

3. Are you talking about the overlay in the center of the screen ? This was a "feature" requested. People wanted to know the file name so maybe they could remove it from the selection or fix the photo. Maybe I should pull it ? You can get it to disappear by clicking "select". The other overlay you can remove by a server option or you can click the down arrow while it's running.

4. The folders being on the left really helps when you are drilling down into directories. Maybe changing it to two or three might make it easier.

Trying to finish up with the mac server and then on to ffmpeg or vlc. Hopefully it wont take as long as it did to figure out Xcode and objective-c.
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