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Navigation Issue (Sliding Panel)

We are facing an issue regarding navigation in Roku application.

1. We have login functionality in our application, so once the user is logged in we need to go to the home screen.

OverhangPanelSetScene (to use slide panel) which is again a scene, so when I try to open this screen from login it's not opening.[/font][/size][/color]

So how to tackle this issue?[/font][/size][/color]

It's something like opening a scene over a scene.[/font][/size][/color]
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Roku Guru

Re: Navigation Issue (Sliding Panel)

I haven't had to do this yet but what happens if you try to handle it from Main, do CreateScene again for the new screen when it's needed? (trigger that in Main with an observer on a field that gets set by the login scene)
Otherwise I could suggest having the OverhangPanelSet as the only scene and the login built as a component inside its XML, it can appear separately from / before / on top of the panelset.
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