# converts mkv to mp4
# dependencies are: mplayer, nero-aac-encoder, MP4Box, mkvtoolnix
[ ! -r "$1" ] && echo "Error! Cannot read $1 !" && exit 1
bname=`basename $1`
dname=`dirname $1`
mkvinfo "$1" | grep -i track
echo "Which track is video? (generally 1 or 2)"
read vidtrack
echo "Which track is audio? (generally 1 or 2)"
read audtrack
echo "What is the video frames per second (fps)?"
read vidfps
mkvextract tracks "$1" ${vidtrack}:"$1".h264 ${audtrack}:"$1".ac3
mkfifo audiodump.wav
neroAacEnc -ignorelength -q 0.20 -if audiodump.wav -of "$1".m4a & mplayer "$1".ac3 -vc null -vo null -ao pcm:fast
rm audiodump.wav
MP4Box -fps $vidfps -add "$1".h264 -add "$1".m4a ${dname}/${bname}.mp4
rm "$1".m4a "$1".ac3 "$1".h264
"wbmurray" wrote:
Thought I'd give it a try since I hadn't done any streams yet and http://kmd.hdcast.net:9060/ worked fine.
"renojim" wrote:
It works with the new firmware. For streams than end in a port number, like that one, you have to have the trailing slash.
This works: http://kmd.hdcast.net:9060/
This doesn't: http://kmd.hdcast.net:9060
"iball" wrote:Be sure you have your your Roku ip, server ip (ip of the computer running the server), and the python path set correctly in the springboard app before you upload to your Roku.
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and new to the Roku devoloping. I have been trying to get this application to work but I am stuck. I have been able to get my Roku box in Devoloper Mode, I have been able to install the client onto the Roku, but when I try to run it, it says "contact with the server has not been established". Yes I am running the server. On my computer, I can access it with localhost and but I cannot do it on another computer that is on the same network. I have already shut down Windows Firewall a long time ago, I don't have any other firewall enabled. I have even turned off SPI firewall on my Router, and portforward 8001 from my computer's ip.
Any help?