O.k, as of now I have a working My Media server on the Dockstar/Plugbox(PlugApps) USB stick that AUTOMATICALLY starts the My Media Server when the Dockstar boots/reboots.
I'm going to try & list the install procedures as best as I can because I've been stumbling/bumbling through this for 3 or 4 days now and I've tried a lot of different things, I'll also list my configurations as best as possible.
This setup is done on a Windows 7 Ultimate x64 machine so you'll have to make changes as per your system.
My setup as is follows for reference:
Linksys E2000 router
Custom built Windows 7 Ultimate x64 machine
Seagate Dockstar (White)
http://www.amazon.com/Seagate-FreeAgent-DockStar-Network-STDSA10G-RK/dp/tech-data/B002MRRU6G/ref=de_...1GB SanDisk Micro Cruzer USB
160GB External USB Hard Drive (Powered, Not USB powered)
Document Editor of choice: NotePad ++
**Warning You DO run the risk of BRICKING your Dockstar attempting this **! DO SO @ YOUR OWN RISK !**
Download Putty as you'll have to SSH into the Dockstar:
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html*tip working with Putty & Nano
ctrl-x to close document - Will ask if you want to save type Y hit Enter to save
Follow the directions here:
http://plugapps.com/index.php5?title=PlugApps:Pogoplug_Setbootor here:
http://plugapps.com/index.php5?title=Ten(ish)_steps_to_setting_up_a_Seagate_Dockstarobviously you don't have to install everything listed on the pages after getting PlugBox installed, I chose to install SAMBA & MiniDLNA only
Obviously My Media needs to have Python installed as well so I'll list how/what I did to get it installed. There are apparently 2 ways (I did both & it seems to work so why not right?)
Way 1 (JT's Way):
Get the optware ipkg system so you can install Python via this method:
In Putty do/type the following:
cd /opt
# get the optware ipkg system
http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/cs08q1armel/cross/unstable/ipkg-opt_0.99.163-10_arm.ipk # set it up
tar -xOvzf ipkg-opt_*_arm.ipk ./data.tar.gz | tar -C / -xzvf -
mkdir -p /opt/etc/ipkg
echo "src cross
http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/cs08q1armel/cross/unstable" > /opt/etc/ipkg/armel-feed.conf
echo "src native
http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/cs08q1armel/native/unstable" >> /opt/etc/ipkg/armel-feed.conf
# first update
/opt/bin/ipkg update
Now get Python & PIL by typing
/opt/bin/ipkg install py26-pil
Way 2 (My Way):
Get Python
pacman -U
http://myplugbox.com/myrepo/arm/extra/python-2.6.5-3-arm.pkg.tar.xzGet PIL
pacman -S python-imaging
STEP 2: PlugBox/Dockstar & My Media
Once you have installed SAMBA you need to find/edit the config file, right now as your probably doing this via Putty/SSH you'll need to execute the following command:
nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
if the file is empty that means it's just been created & you need to write out your config, as I don't know the default configs I'll just provide my configuration & you can just edit it accordingly.
workgroup = MSHOME
server string = DOCKSTAR
netbios name = DOCKSTAR
security = share
load printers = no
printing = bsd
printcap name = /dev/null
disable spools = yes
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 50
dns proxy = no
[DS PlugBox USB]
path = /
read only = no
public = yes
writable = yes
force user = root
[M&M Drive]
path = /media/NAS_Drive/
read only = no
public = yes
writable = yes
force user = root
Change workgroup to whatever your home network uses to allow windows to see the samba shares i.e WORKGROUP or MSHOME or whatever you have.
DS Plugbox USB is the 1GB SanDisk Cruzer Micro that I have PlugBox/PlugApps Linux installed on. (sharing it makes it easier later on to edit/change files later on)
M&M Drive is the 160GB external that my Movies & Music are located on.
To get a list of your drives type /sbin/fdisk -l
To find out what your drives are named (Volume Label if you named them)
type /cd media hit enter & type dir
I had trouble getting the 160GB drive to mount/be readable when plugged into the Dockstar apparently due to the drive being formated NTFS. Installing ntfs-3g via pacman & Fuse (adding modprobe fuse to the rc.conf) solved this issue.
nano /etc/rc.conf
ADD modprobe fuse
should now look like this:
MODULES=(modprobe fuse)
save the file, by now you should have PlugBox/PlugApps with Python installed on your USB stick/Dockstar along with SAMBA & whatever else you chose to install. Reboot the Dockstar for the changes to take effect.
If everything goes accordingly you should be able to browse to your network folder and see a new entry for your Dockstar & be able to browse the directory/folder of your PlugBox USB (where PlugBox is installed) as well as browse your shared media.
Now I'll get into how to get My Media set up on the Dockstar. I did this the easiest way possible for me, there may be a better or "official" way of doing this but this was what I did.
Since you should now have access to the PlugBox USB files in Windows (or your OS) browse to the drive & find the Home folder, in the Home folder create a new folder called Roku.
Copy the My Media server files from your Windows location to the Roku folder.
Open the config.ini in your editor (roku\server\config.ini)
This is my config.ini
music_dir = /media/NAS_Drive/Music
video_dir = /media/NAS_Drive/Movies
server_ip = ***.***.*.***
roku_ip = ***.***.*.***
max_folders_before_split = 10
python_path = \opt\bin\python2.6
theme = default
collapse_collections = False
server_port = 8001
photo_dir = /media/NAS_Drive/Photos
The Music, Video, Server, Photo directories as well as Server, Roku & Python should all be changed per your setup to reflect installation on the PlugBox/Dockster & save the changes you make.
Now here is where things were funky & problematic, getting the server to run/start upon the Dockstar being started or rebooted along with the Python SNAFU I was having.
To get Python to start the My Media Server upon boot or if the Dockstar is rebooted (manually or power failure) you need to edit the file rc.local. Since you have access to the files from Windows browse to the etc\ directory and open the file rc.local. Add the following lines after the commented section (# denotes comment)
# /etc/rc.local: Local multi-user startup script.
export LANG
cd /home/roku/server
python2.6 /home/roku/server/rss_server.py > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Save the file.
Reboot the Dockstar
Once the Dockstar has been rebooted SSH in through Putty again and type the following:
ps aux |grep rss_server.py
you should see the following or something similar print out:
root 1172 0.1 8.9 96952 11040 ? Sl 18:00 0:10 python2.6 /home/roku/server/rss_server.py
root 1211 0.0 0.6 4196 852 pts/0 S+ 20:24 0:00 grep rss_server.py
I have no idea what the hell the above information means other than the server is started & my Roku can now access my movies and music on the external usb drive attached to the Dockstar.
You should be done now and watching a movie or listening to music from your Roku box, after putting in all this work you deserve it.
Final thoughts as of this posting:
1. I never again want to do this.
2. There may be a small hiccup as my Music directory causes the Roku to lose connection to the server. This may be because of the sheer volume of music I have or the way the directories are structured i.e. DRIVE:\Folder\Music\Artist Folder\.mp3 files or something else is going on.
Edit- I have a feeling the Music directory causing the roku to lose connection to the Dockstar/Server may be related to PIL, the album thumbnails/images & the Dockstar not having enough processor power to handle the load or something. Any way to disable thumbnails for testing this?
Edit 2- Just removed all .jpgs album art/thumbnails from the Music directory & still get the error Connection Problem Lost communications to the server notification so the images are not the problem. One thing I do notice even on this PC connecting to my music folder takes an extremely long time and causes the hard drive/cpu to start acting like their under heavy load. So something else is causing the roku to lose connection to the DockStar when processing the Music directory.
My Movies folder contains 8.61GB | 22 Files, 4 Folders
My Music folder contains 17.9 GB | 4,526 Files, 887 Folders
So hmm yeah gonna take a bit to get through that music folder & the Dockstar may not be up to it....