"renojim" wrote:
Your config.ini looks ok, so that's not it. I don't recall any firewall issues, but did you get any messages about python and its access?
Let's go back to the browser. Go to and see what happens. Also, look in my_media_log.txt in the server directory (double-click on it and it should open in Notepad) and see if there are any error messages.
OK, when I went to the above address for the feed, I got a screen titled "MyMedia Feed" with links to the correct "My Music" "My Videos" "My Photos" and "My Streams" folders. I clicked on the "My Music" link and got a huge screen full of errors that started with this message:
"<type 'exceptions.TypeError'> at /feed
expected string or buffer
Python c:\python26\lib\re.py in match, line 136
Web GET"
I can paste in the whole thing if it'll be of any help?
I opened the my_media_log.txt file and found a huge number of lines with messages like this:
"WARNING:root:SECURITY WARNING: Someone was trying to access images/videos_square.jpg. The MyMedia client shouldn't do this"
followed by a huge number of lines that were like this:
I can copy and paste the entire contents of that file here if you think it would be helpful.
As far as anything related to python or access -- what I've given you above is about all that I can find anywhere.
Oh, also, as I was running the feed and looking through stuff above, the server window showed these messages:
" - - [09/May/2011 22:04:40] "HTTP/1.1 GET /feed" - 200 OK - - [09/May/2011 22:04:41] "HTTP/1.1 GET /favicon.ico" - 404
Not Found - - [09/May/2011 22:04:41] "HTTP/1.1 GET /favicon.ico" - 404
Not Found - - [09/May/2011 22:04:41] "HTTP/1.1 GET /favicon.ico" - 404
Not Found
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\web\application.py", line
242, in process
return self.handle()
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\web\application.py", line
233, in handle
return self._delegate(fn, self.fvars, args)
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\web\application.py", line
412, in _delegate
return handle_class(cls)
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\web\application.py", line
387, in handle_class
return tocall(*args)
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\mymedia.py", line 909, in
return getdoc(feed.key, path, base_dir, range, config, collapse_collections)
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\mymedia.py", line 584, in
image_icon = getart(fpath) or curr_image
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\mymedia.py", line 350, in
thmb = thumbnail.create_thumbnail(path, size="large")
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\thumbnail.py", line 69, in
if re.match("video/\.*", mimetype):
File "c:\python26\lib\re.py", line 137, in match
return _compile(pattern, flags).match(string)
TypeError: expected string or buffer - - [09/May/2011 22:04:45] "HTTP/1.1 GET /feed" - 500 Intern
al Server Error - - [09/May/2011 22:05:58] "HTTP/1.1 GET /feed" - 200 OK - - [09/May/2011 22:06:02] "HTTP/1.1 GET /feed" - 200 OK
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\web\application.py", line
242, in process
return self.handle()
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\web\application.py", line
233, in handle
return self._delegate(fn, self.fvars, args)
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\web\application.py", line
412, in _delegate
return handle_class(cls)
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\web\application.py", line
387, in handle_class
return tocall(*args)
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\mymedia.py", line 909, in
return getdoc(feed.key, path, base_dir, range, config, collapse_collections)
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\mymedia.py", line 584, in
image_icon = getart(fpath) or curr_image
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\mymedia.py", line 350, in
thmb = thumbnail.create_thumbnail(path, size="large")
File "C:\netguy204-roku_media_server-23c75dc\server\thumbnail.py", line 69, in
if re.match("video/\.*", mimetype):
File "c:\python26\lib\re.py", line 137, in match
return _compile(pattern, flags).match(string)
TypeError: expected string or buffer - - [09/May/2011 22:06:10] "HTTP/1.1 GET /feed" - 500 Intern
al Server Error"
Hope some of that is helpful?