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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

"texaszman" wrote:
That didn't work. I don't think the configuration is correct. Will keep trying - any help is welcomed!

From a web browser on the WHS box - can you navigate the path you are giving MyMedia and play an mp3??
Going where the wind don't blow so strange
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

"texaszman" wrote:
That didn't work. I don't think the configuration is correct. Will keep trying - any help is welcomed!

The server ip needs to be the ip address of where you're running the mymedia server (via springboard or whatever.) The file path needs to make sense relative to that computer.

For example, if you're running the server software on your desktop then use the ip address of your desktop and the paths that you would use from your desktop to access the NAS.

If you're actually executing the server software on your NAS then use the IP address of the NAS use the paths the NAS would use to find the files (likely something like /server/DLNA/Media/Video for example.)
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

Thanks again - that did it! This help is what spreads the joy and word of mouth.

I now have all my Media concentrated on a stand alone NAS, with the MyMedia software residing on an always-on Windows Home Server box.

Two ROKUs in the house, both able to pull up videos on the NAS at command. Very nice, very elegant solution! Looking forward to the upgrades.

Will do what I can to help share the information I learned as I was walked through this setup - again, thanks all!

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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

Quick question - can I customize settings somehow to only show Videos? I think its great and all how I can stream music, however, I don't think I would ever really do it. I'd much rather just have it go straight to my videos.

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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

-*Edit 3-28-10* For simplicities sake I've edited this to only show the easiest way to make the .bat file & what you need to change.
--*EDIT 4-02-10* There is now a AutoHotKey script that I have made if you are using HandBrake that allows you to select a folder/directory containing your video's and use HandBrakeCLI to convert all of the videos on that folder. You can find more info @ my blog here

I've managed to create a HandBrakeCLI batch file that will go through your video directory & convert your movies to the format/preset of your choice. Here is my setup as an example.

All my video's/movies get stored in D:\ as either .avi or .mpg. The batch file is also located in D:\
FOR /F %%i IN ('dir /b *.avi *.mpg *.flv') DO (
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Handbrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe" -i "%%i" -o "E:\Movies\%%~ni.mp4" --preset="Roku"

FOR /F %%i IN ('dir /b *.avi *.mpg') DO (
This tells the .bat file to look for files within the same directory with the file extension of .avi & .mpg. If you want to add more formats you might try

('dir /b *.avi *.mpg *.flv *.iso')
If you need to add a file extension just follow the example here.

If you have Handbrake the above code will work, simply copy & past the above code into a text document.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Handbrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe
with the location of your HandBrake install.
with the directory\folder you want the converted files to go to i.e. C:\My Vids\%%~ni.mp4
with the name of the preset you use to convert your files to a playable format on the Roku Box. i.e --preset="Your Preset"

Once your finished save the document as .bat or rename the file using the .bat extension instead of .txt & place the .bat file in the folder or directory you specified (where your video files are) & run the .bat file.

I've only tested this with .avi's & .mpg's (2 small clips of each file type) and the CLI quickly converted them. This is my first batch script so test this first on a small video file that you DON'T care about in case something goes wrong. I'm still trying to find a way to automate this when I have free time.
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

Can anyone do a quick comparison between MyMedia and Roksbox?
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

"Gunslinger2" wrote:
I've managed to create a HandBrakeCLI batch file that will go through your video directory & convert your movies to the format/preset of your choice. Here is my setup as an example.

Very cool. Thanks for posting. I've added a link from the main project page to your post so that people can continue to find it quickly. Feel free to edit your post as you revise and perfect your method.

"CRSharff" wrote:
Can anyone do a quick comparison between MyMedia and Roksbox?

Can someone else answer this one? I'm a bit biased 🙂
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

Latest Developers Release: DeftAvocado.

New features:

So, there's nothing earth shattering in this release. Stay tuned though because we're working on some cool stuff.

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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

I was just wondering if there was any chance that someone could hack the code on Netflix/Wii disc so that the Wii could read data from a MyMedia channel. That would substantially increase the usefulness of my Wii for watching video since I have a bunch of videos I've recorded on a Mythbuntu box (and transcoded) to watch on my Roku. Sound at all feasible?
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

"skug67" wrote:
I was just wondering if there was any chance that someone could hack the code on Netflix/Wii disc so that the Wii could read data from a MyMedia channel. That would substantially increase the usefulness of my Wii for watching video since I have a bunch of videos I've recorded on a Mythbuntu box (and transcoded) to watch on my Roku. Sound at all feasible?

It'd be easier to just use something like PlayOn for that purpose I would think. PlayOn made a change to their license so that local streaming is free (you won't have to pay for a license after your trial expires)
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