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Multiple roScreen Handling (with double buffering)

Hey Roku Dev Community,

I'm developing a channel with multiple roScreen's to create custom screens with animation provided by sprites. The issue I'm facing is safely passing off between roScreens. I've made attempts that have either resulted in
    stack overflow and crashing

    inconsistent screen output, randomly returning a blank screen

    a complete disaster when attempting to pass off between a double buffered roScreen and another

I know this is easily achieved with template screens by waiting for
indicating the screen has safely closed, then exiting a while true loop, but a similar feature is missing for roScreen.

I have successfully handled passing between single buffered roScreens
Function Main() as void

screen = CreateObject("roScreen", false) ' single buffered roScreen
screen.Clear(&h662D9100 + 255) 'Roku Purple

port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
screen.SetMessagePort(port) 'send events to port

catBackground = CreateObject("roBitmap", "pkg:/images/cat-1280x720.jpg")
if type(catBackground) = "Invalid"
print "type(catBackground) = Invalid"
end if

' update screen
screen.DrawObject(0, 0, catBackground)
'screen.Clear(&h0000FF00 + 255) ' clear screen for new frame, colourBlue on screen will indicate error
print "displaying cat"

' user input
while true
message = wait(0, port) ' get a message, if available
if type(message) = "roUniversalControlEvent" then
buttonAction = message.GetInt()
'print buttonAction
if (buttonAction = 0) then
' back button - close screen
print "------ Closed ------"

else if (buttonAction = 10) then
' Info/Options button (*)
print "* Button Pressed - leaving cat"
print "Returned to cat"
screen.DrawObject(0, 0, catBackground)
end while
End Function

Function Lion() as void
lionBackground = CreateObject("roBitmap", "pkg:/images/lion-1280x720.jpg")
if type(lionBackground) = "Invalid"
print "type(lionBackground) = Invalid"
end if

screen = CreateObject("roScreen", false)
screen.Clear(&h662D9100 + 255) 'Roku Purple

port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
screen.SetMessagePort(port) 'send events to port

' update screen
screen.DrawObject(0, 0, lionBackground)
'screen.Clear(&hFF000000 + 255) ' clear screen for new frame, colourRed on screen will indicate error
print "displaying lion"

' user input
while true

message = wait(0, port) ' get a message, if available
if type(message) = "roUniversalControlEvent" then
buttonAction = message.GetInt()
'print buttonAction
if (buttonAction = 0) then
' back button - close screen
print "------ Closed ------"

else if (buttonAction = 10) then
' Info/Options button (*)
print "* Button Pressed - leaving lion, returning to main()"
' print "screen = Invalid"
' screen = Invalid
exit while

end while

End Function

However when implementing with double buffered roScreens, it adds an extra layer of complexity.

I'm looking for a way to efficiently handle the transition between multiple double buffered roScreens. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Roku Guru

Re: Multiple roScreen Handling (with double buffering)

Not aware of any good reason to have more than one roScreen. Just assign whatever you are drawing currently to it.
Kinetics Screensavers
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Multiple roScreen Handling (with double buffering)

perhaps more advanced use of bitmaps and regions could come into play, and be sent to the single screen and controlled more easily
0 Kudos
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