On a subscription channel (not a new channel, already approved and in channel store for a long time, just did updates to it) I clicked on the "monetization" tab and it won't load that section. I can load the channel from the "my channels" tab, and I did static analysis with no errors and updated the contact info but every time I click on the monetization tab which of course is gray with a check mark beside it...I click to go to that page and it shows the little spinner in the middle of the page I'm on and won't go to the monetization page.
Any ideas why it won't load?
Thank you. I did not see that post. I did the search before posting but it didn't pop up.
Regardless, thank you for the reply. Good to know it's a Roku fix and not mine.
The "monetization" tab is clickable now tonight but the price tiers for monthly aren't showing up yet for me. The tiers only show one-time payment and not monthly subscription price tiers. Perhaps they are still working on it.
I had not set up the in-channel products page for a new channel I'm testing. The monetization tab seems to be working.
Glad it is working.
It has been a long time since I submitted a new subscription channel. After setting up the in-channel product section to show as a monthly payment tier, I then checked back to the preview of the channel and the channel summary section, on the page where you preview and publish, shows it still as free and not a monthly subscription. Does it only change to the tier you set it at after it gets approval? Or, did I miss a step? (I'm already setup for Roku Pay because I have other subscription channels already in the channel store.)
I have a new one that I have not submitted yet. It shows as free in the channel summary instead of monthly on the Preview/Publish page. It reads as :
Additional Requirements: additional fees may apply
Purchase Type None Free
Price Tier 0
But, the manage in-channel products page shows it as a monthly subscription.