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Re: Metrics/ Reporting on Views

"bytjyufdvfd" wrote:
so what more harm can be done? Your employer also sells your information too. The only way to truly be off the grid is to not live in a modern society.

1) My employer does not sell my information, because I'm my own employer.... I own my own business.

2) The "employers," to whom I gather you were referring, only know the name, address, phone number, etc... things put on the application, as well as hire date, salary & promotion history, maybe bank account (if they do "direct deposit" payroll), etc. But they don't know things like "what the employees watch/listen to..." or "what they do/where they go in their spare time," etc. Well.... not until now, maybe.... 😮

I'm sure these are things employers would like to know, though. They pay lots of money for Health Insurance and other benefits as well as invest in training $$$ and accrue "Institutional Memory/Intellectual Property" value over time... They have a much more vested interest in knowing (if not even controlling) what their employees do, "off hours" (Witness: the recent news accounts of employers "requiring" that their employees not smoke as a condition of employment). It would be most beneficial for employers to be able to "profile" their employees and determine risk factors in re: benefit cost control. Now, employers or, in my case, "potential new clients" have tools like "social media" to help them. I keep those very tight and clean. I'm active on LinkedIn, but only in re: my "professional brand." I do tweet, but that can be done "anonymously." I do not do Facebook or Google+ at all. I do have a FB account, but I keep it totally locked down (i.e. no activity, no friends, no photos, posts, nothing). You have to create a FB account, at least, in order to ensure it isn't done "on your behalf." :shock: But you don't have to use it.

3) I'm not trying to go "off the grid..." not at all. Attempting to do that in this day an age would raise much more suspicion and scrutiny than anything nefarious one might be doing "on the grid." Best to just "blend in with the crowd," not "stand out in it." What I *am* trying to do, though, is fight to keep what the "grid" knows about me, to a bare minimum. I'm just trying to fight for what's left of my "right to privacy" is all... a right slowly eroding away with advances in technology, such as "Roku" like devices and sites like Netflix, Amazon, etc. I might need to have bank accounts, credit cards, etc. to survive these days... perhaps even as far as needing the "Internet," especially if the USPO goes "belly up" and things are, henceforth, only delivered "electronically." But I don't need to stream video, or watch it on the web. And if doing so poses greater erosion of privacy because these data are collected, sold, and used by 3rd parties, that has to go into my risk/benefit calculation.

And... FTR... Yes, I'll keep my Roku. At present, the benefits outweigh the risks. I may not add certain private channels now, but we all have those choices to make.

'Nuff said? 🙂
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Re: Metrics/ Reporting on Views

I also want to know the same question as I want to annalyze my website which is towing service but i am unable to find any solution to monitor the traffic.
0 Kudos
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