I am very interested in developing a channel for the Mediaportal media center. the Mediaportal media center found at
http://www.team-mediaportal.com/. this media center has the ability to perform as Windows Media Center and capture OTA broadcast TV. I have a tuner card and would love to get the OTA channels broadcast to all of the Rokus in my home. I figured the best way to do this is to create or have created a channel for Mediaportal on the Roku. I am having difficulty even getting started as Mediaportal can play both my content saved on my local computer and the live broadcast media. I love the interface Mediaportal uses and would love an almost near replica to appear on my TV when I activate the Mediaportal Roku channel (once it is developed).
Can any of you experienced developers help a newbie out here with this development? I would be very willing to post a bounty for the help or creation of this channel. I am sure the creation of this channel should be very easy and I am making it much more difficult than it needs to be. thanks so much.