I have created a Roku Channel, have the SDK, and have looped over all of the examples but I am not finding what Im looking for.
Here is what I have:
* I have a WiFi field cam that will FTP's an image to a web server every 30 seconds.
What I want to do:
* Create an app for my channel that will grab the image from the web server & display that image to the screen, then refresh every 31 seconds.
... This should be an incredibly easy app but I am finding almost no resources to get started.
... So far the document here has been the most useful -
http://sdkdocs.roku.com/display/sdkdoc/roImageCanvas .. but I see no looping ... to avoid haveing to clear the cache each time I assumed this would work for the image
I just need to loop it given the example at
http://sdkdocs.roku.com/display/sdkdoc/roImageCanvas... ANy thoughs ?