The appMain.brs still has mp4 for video. If streaming it needs to be hls not mp4. That is if the stream is an Apple Adaptive Stream. Only hls and ism is supported at 4.7 firmware for streaming.
You can try this link for ism to see if it will work. ism is Microsoft Smooth Streaming.
In appMain.brs
Micrrosoft Smooth Streaming = ism
1. Replace mp4 to ism
2. Replace your video with ... m/ManifestOr try this path:
Apple Adaptive Streaming - hls
1. Replace mp4 with hls
2. Replace your video with ... TT_NS.m3u83. put bitrate to 0 for now.
This one should work for hls.
If you can't see the full link in the post put your mouse over it and it should show a full path I believe at the bottom of your browser. Or right mouse click on the link and Copy Link Location and paste it into notepad to see it.