while timer.totalseconds() < maxExecutionTime
end while
next_call_time = 0
while true
wait(100, msgport)
t = timer.TotalSeconds()
if t > next_call_time then
next_call_time = t + interval
end if
... rest of event loop ....
I have triggered Api call every 5 sec using timer function
I am using this below function
m.testtimer = m.top.findNode("testTimer")
m.testtimer.control = "start"
m.testtimer.ObserveField("fire", "changetext")
xferActive1 = CreateObject("roURLTransfer")
url = xferActive1.SetURL("https://jonathanbduval.com/roku/feeds/roku-developers-feed-v1.json")
But I am getting the dot error in CreateObject line
You can't use roUrlTransfer in the render thread. You will have to use a task that gets run when the timer fires.
In your xml file, define a timer which will repeat every 4 seconds:
I tried this way but still getting the same error in below line
xferActive1 = CreateObject("roURLTransfer")
I need to trigger Api call every 5 sec. Could you provide the information
In your xml file, define a timer which will repeat every 4 seconds:
id = "SessionRegisterRetryTimer"
repeat = "true"
duration = "4"
in your brs file:
m.sessionRegisterRetryTimer = m.top.findNode("SessionRegisterRetryTimer")
m.sessionRegisterRetryTimer.observeField("fire", "SessionRegisterRetry")
where you need to start the timer:
m.sessionRegisterRetryTimer.control = "start"
then, in the SessionRegisterRetry function, you do what you have to do. In this case it will be called every 4 seconds, after the first call.
function SessionRegisterRetry()
print "called sSessionRegisterRetry function"
xferActive1 = CreateObject("roURLTransfer")
url = xferActive1.SetURL("https://jonathanbduval.com/roku/feeds/roku-developers-feed-v1.json")
end function
But still getting the same error in below line
xferActive1 = CreateObject("roURLTransfer")
I need to trigger Api call for every 5 sec. Could you provide the information
I'd create a long running task that keeps requesting the data until I tell it to stop, and observe a field on it to get updates.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component name="PollUrlTask" extends="Task">
<field id="url" type="string" />
<field id="intervalSecs" type="integer" value="5" />
<field id="deactivate" type="boolean" />
<!-- watch this -->
<field id="result" type="string" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="PollUrlTask.brs" />
sub init()
m.top.functionName = "run"
end sub
sub run()
url = m.top.url
interval = m.top.intervalSecs * 1000
if url = invalid or url = "" then return
if interval < 1000 then interval = 1000
while m.top.deactivate = false
m.top.result = fetch(url)
end while
end sub
function fetch(url as String) as String
req = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
if (left(url, 5) = "https") then req.SetCertificatesFile("common:/certs/ca-bundle.crt")
result = req.AsyncGetToString()
if result then
while true
msg = wait(0, port)
if type(msg) = "roUrlEvent" then
code = msg.GetResponseCode()
if code = 200 then
return msg.GetString()
return ""
end if
return ""
end if
end while
end if
return ""
end function
Then in the UI thread:
m.testTask = createObject("roSGNode", "PollUrlTask")
m.testTask.observeFieldScoped("result", "onTestTaskResult")
m.testTask.url = "https://jonathanbduval.com/roku/feeds/roku-developers-feed-v1.json"
m.testTask.intervalSecs = 4
m.testTask.control = "RUN"
sub onTestTaskResult(event as Object)
print "onTestTaskResult", event.getData()
end sub
..note it's coming back as a string and "alwaysNotify" is not set to true so your observer will only fire if the response has actually changed. I tend to process my data in the UI thread because it's massively faster, but if it's really heavy you might want to do that in the task. The "return empty string" error handling is good enough for some use cases, but not all!
This stops it:
m.testTask.deactivate = true
m.testTask = invalid