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Infinite requests in feed

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Community Streaming Expert

Re: Infinite requests in feed

What format are you videos? Assuming MPEG4, are they optimized for streaming (moov atom at beginning)?
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Re: Infinite requests in feed

"renojim" wrote:
What format are you videos?  Assuming MPEG4, are they optimized for streaming (moov atom at beginning)?

Hello friend, they are mp4 videos, I did nothing to optimize them or something similar, the download of several internet pages where they already spoil so I guess and have already been optimized, however I happen in both mp4 and hls, and to Check it on the server, for example it is only 1 person and it appears that I try to connect 200, or 300 times and if I have limited a number of people from the tomb at all.

Any idea why that happens? regards
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Streaming Star

Re: Infinite requests in feed

Can you provide the code where you execute your task?  My assumption is you are triggering the task over and over again either in a loop or from a observeField that is constantly triggered.
Tyler Smith
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Re: Infinite requests in feed

"Tyler Smith" wrote:
Can you provide the code where you execute your task?  My assumption is you are triggering the task over and over again either in a loop or from a observeField that is constantly triggered.

Hello, I have this code to simply get the data of an xml with the items to be reproduced

contentxml = createObject("roXMLElement")
 readInternet = createObject("roUrlTransfer")

      if contentxml.getName()="Content"
        for each item in contentxml.GetNamedElements("item")
          itemcontent = content.createChild("ContentNode")
        end for
      end if

It's a scene with labellist, where I do this to make the video component visible.

m.videolist.observeField("itemFocused", "setvideo")
m.videolist.observeField("itemSelected", "playvideo")

sub setvideo()
    if (m.preview.visible=true)
      videocontent = m.videolist.content.getChild(m.videolist.itemFocused)
      m.videoposter.uri = videocontent.hdposterurl

      else if (m.preview.visible=false)

       videocontent = m.videolist.content.getChild(m.videolist.itemFocused)
       m.videoposter.uri = videocontent.hdposterurl
       m.videoinfo.text = videocontent.title = videocontent
       m.preview.content= videocontent
       m.detalles.text = videocontent.description
       m.preview.control ="stop"
       m.preview.visible ="false"

      end if
    end sub

    sub playvideo() = "play" = true
      m.preview.control = "stop"
      m.preview.visible ="false"
    end sub
Thanks for the help, really try everything and I do not know what I'm wrong

I keep my reading file in a shared hosting and linke to my dedicated server and the VPS, all are "saturated" by so many requests but are not really spending resources, something like a ddos attack, and only happens when I reproduce the xml of Hosting.
0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: Infinite requests in feed

So is the video request send over and over again or a request for your content uri?

I have a feeling that the function for your content feed is stuck in a loop.  What triggers this block?
contentxml = createObject("roXMLElement")
[font=-apple-system, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif] readInternet = createObject("roUrlTransfer")[/font]
[font=-apple-system, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif]      readInternet.setUrl([/font]
Tyler Smith
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