Hey everyone, long time lurker here. I just had a few questions about using ("roUrlTransfer") and content security.
I've been developing a channel that streams audio from my personal server. This is a standard host (mediatemple) with no special streaming services or cloud hosting. The audio files and JSON data I'm using are sitting in an unsecured folder on the server. I'm currently using a rather straightforward method for accessing this data. For example:
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
http = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
json = ParseJson(http.GetToString())
list = CreateObject("roArray", 1, true)
for each item in json.sounds
sound = {
ContentType : "audio"
ShortDescriptionLine1 : item.name
ShortDescriptionLine2 : item.shortDesc
HDPosterUrl : item.HDPoster
SDPosterUrl : item.SDPoster
end for
return list
I guess my question is. How vulnerable am I here to content theft?
Also, would it be possible to add a simple .htaccess user and pass to the folder and still be able to
access it through ("roUrlTransfer")?