Hi, I've been working on the same project with scottchiefbaker. Thanks for the reply.
"RokuChris" wrote:
You didn't share the specifics of the crash you're seeing, but my first guess is that the your http variable is not a roURLTransfer object. That would probably give an error like:
Member function not found in BrightScript Component or interface
That's the thing, we're not seeing an error in debug at all. We would've posted any debug information, but there isn't any. The app just quits after trying GetPort() on the Http which IS an roUrlTransfer object. We are using the sample code for a video streamer with urlUtils.brs. Here's where the object is created:
REM ******************************************************
REM Constucts a URL Transfer object
REM ******************************************************
Function CreateURLTransferObject(url As String) as Object
obj = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
obj.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
return obj
End Function
REM ******************************************************
REM Url Query builder
REM so this is a quick and dirty name/value encoder/accumulator
REM ******************************************************
Function NewHttp(url As String) as Object
obj = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
obj.Http = CreateURLTransferObject(url)
obj.FirstParam = true
obj.AddParam = http_add_param
obj.AddRawQuery = http_add_raw_query
obj.GetToStringWithRetry = http_get_to_string_with_retry
obj.PrepareUrlForQuery = http_prepare_url_for_query
obj.GetToStringWithTimeout = http_get_to_string_with_timeout
obj.PostFromStringWithTimeout = http_post_from_string_with_timeout
obj.CancelHTTPAsync = http_cancel_async
if Instr(1, url, "?") > 0 then obj.FirstParam = false
return obj
End Function
Here is the function where GetPort() is called in which the app just exits:
REM ******************************************************
REM Performs Http.AsyncGetToString() with a single timeout in seconds
REM To the outside world this appears as a synchronous API.
REM ******************************************************
Function http_get_to_string_with_timeout(seconds as Integer) as String
timeout% = 1000 * seconds
str = ""
m.Http.EnableFreshConnection(true) 'Don't reuse existing connections
if (m.Http.AsyncGetToString())
event = wait(timeout%, m.Http.GetPort()) <<<<<<< this is the last thing it attempts
if type(event) = "roUrlEvent"
str = event.GetString()
elseif event = invalid
Dbg("AsyncGetToString timeout")
Dbg("AsyncGetToString unknown event", event)
return str
End Function
We're at a loss as to why the app just quits. Especially because it seems to work fine on a simple html page. We've been able to get other php scripts to work but it seems to happen after the "ShowAccountEnterScreen" function returns. Could there be an issue creating multiple "roMessagePort"s within the same function?