Hey @RokuNB,
I tried setting this up today but I'm not seeing any calls go out to the DRM server. No traffic seems to be sent from the Roku side.
I'm setting the EncodingType on the Content Meta-Data to be "PlayReadyLicenseAcquisitionAndChallenge" and the encoding key to be "URL%%%data"So the encoding key looks something like this:
Which translates to this (with proper values changed for server):
"merchant": "my-merchant",
"sessionId": "my-session-id-here",
"userId": "12345"
And the URL is obviously: https://lic.drmtoday.com/license-proxy-headerauth/drmtoday/RightsManager.asmx
Are you seeing anything wrong here that would prevent the data from being sent up to the server? Is there a flag I need to enable aside from these two key values on the Content Meta-data object?
Not sure if this matters, but my `getDRMInfo` call on roDeviceInfo reports back this:
<Component: roAssociativeArray> =
PlayReady: " "
Which doesn't say anything about "tee;ss" as per https://sdkdocs.roku.com/display/sdkdoc/ifDeviceInfo . Not sure if that is affecting this. I've also tried explicitly setting some certificate data on the roVideoScreen like this:
' set https certs