I have picked up one of the new SiliconDust tuners that spits out an H.264 TS stream and I have verified that the device works but I am having problems with trying to view it on my Roku. When I try to playback on my Roku it throws a message of type isRequestFailed and GetIndex returns -5, but I haven't been able to find anyplace that specifies what the problem is, aside from the fact that it is probably something I did. I have copy/pasted the URL and I know the URL does work. I have tried using 13%2E1 just incase the . was throwing it off but that did not result in any change. I would appreciate any pointers on what I've done wrong.
Sub ShowLiveTVScreen()
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
screen = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")
video = {
streamFormat: "mp4"
streams: [
{ url: "", bitrate: 1800, quality: false },
{ url: "", bitrate: 5500, quality: true }
While True
msg = wait(0, screen.GetMessagePort())
If type(msg) = "roVideoScreenEvent" Then
If msg.isScreenClosed() Then
Exit While
Else If msg.isStatusMessage() Then
Else If msg.isPlaybackPosition() Then
Else if msg.isFullResult() Then
Exit While
Else if msg.isPartialResult() Then
Exit While
Else if msg.isRequestFailed() Then
MessageBox("Playback Error", msg.GetMessage() + " (" + msg.GetIndex().ToStr() + ")")
Exit While
End If
End If
End While
End Sub