Don't know where to ask this question, since the people that ever had to do that likely can be counted on the fingers (or finger) of one hand. But my mind is drawing a blank on this and it should be a relatively simple transform, so let me lay down the problem and hopefully someone will help me being less dumb.
So here is the setup - assume i get reading of 3 floats
x, y, z, each between -1 and 1. Those are components of the gravity vector in the coord. system of the remote. It lays on the table, i get (0, 0, 1); flipped face-down, (0, 0, -1); standing vertical, (0, -1, 0) and so on. Simple enough.
Question is, how do i map the readings to the TV screen, so that i can use the remote to guide a pointer/cursor on screen? Gut feeling is telling me maybe map the cartesians to
spherical coord system and shoehorn the two angles but i feel really uncertain.