Hi to all
I am working on a player which will play some recorded videos e those videos are received using HLS.
At this time, I am able to play them. I use a RowList to show the existing recorded videos.
When we click on one of them, we open the player and start playing it.
I have 2 questions:
1 - how can I make the player interface like the Youtube one (with the menu buttons and so)?
2 - Why the OnkeyEvent don't capture the "OK" key press (only the release of it)? I ask this because I want to show a <Rectangle> when I press the OK button, while playing the video. But the ok fires only on the release of the button.
Some of the code:
id = "Video"
translation = "[0,0]"
width = "1920"
height = "1080"
loop = "false"
visible = "false" >
id = "videoOverlayMenu"
translation = "[0, 0]"
width = "1920"
height = "1080"
color = "0x000000BD"
opacity = "1.0"
visible = "false" >
id = "overlayMenuLabel"
width = "120"
height = "40"
vertAlign = "center"
horizAlign = "center"
numLines = "1"
maxLines = "1"
wrap = "false"
text = "MENU"
color = "0xFFFFFFC0"
opacity = "1.0"
translation = "[1800,780]"
visible = "false" >
m.videoOverlayMenu = m.top.findNode("videoOverlayMenu")
m.overlayMenuLabel = m.top.findNode("overlayMenuLabel")
function OnkeyEvent(key as String, press as Boolean) as Boolean
print "MainScene -> key: "; key
print "MainScene -> key pressed: "; press
result = false
if press
' handle "back" key press
if (key = "back") then
numberOfScreens = m.screenStack.Count()
' close top screen if there are two or more screens in the screen stack
if (numberOfScreens > 1) then
result = true
end if
else if(key = "OK") then
print "key OK pressed"
end if
if (key = "OK" AND m.videoPlayer.visible = true) then
print "key = 'OK' AND m.videoPlayer.visible = true"
m.videoPlayer.trickplaybar.visible = true
if(m.videoOverlayMenu.visible = true) then
m.videoOverlayMenu.visible = false
m.overlayMenuLabel.visible = false
m.videoOverlayMenu.visible = true
m.overlayMenuLabel.visible = true
end if
result = true
end if
end if
return result
end function
The OK key is never captured on the press event.
Anybody can help me?
Thanks to all