I am trying to figure out how to change the height of a box when a user presses up on the remote.
Heres the component:
<component name="PlutoScene" extends="Scene">
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/components/homescreen.brs" />
<LayoutGroup id="root">
<Rectangle id="header" width="1280" height="300" color="0x000000">
<LayoutGroup id="body" layoutDirection="horiz">
<Rectangle id="rect1" height="270" width="400" color="0xffffff" />
<Rectangle id="rect2" height="270" width="2" color="0x000000" />
<Rectangle id="rect3" height="270" width="878" color="0xffffff" />
<Rectangle id="footer" width="1280" height="150" color="0x000000">
Here is the function in the homescreen.brs file:
sub init()
m.rect1 = m.top.findNode("rect1")
m.rect = m.rect1.boundingRect()
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as String, press as Boolean) as Boolean
if press then
if (key = "Up") then
m.rect.height = m.rect.height * 2
end if
end if
end function
I have tried a few things like just calling rect1.height = rect.height*2.
Is the if statement correct? Am I grabbing the component correctly? What concept am I missing?