I'm still getting my feet wet with the Roku and learning about streaming videos.
If I need to use a video for my private channel, I currently manually download the video using a Firefox plugin and store the MP4 file to another location.
My understanding is that YouTube is mostly FLV based, but their is a way to get the MP4 stream.
the private YouTube channel (which is now removed)
- RateRix
- 1080p showcase etc.
I'm curious to know (at a high level) how these Roku channels were able to stream content from Youtube since YouTube doesn't make getting the MP4 link easy. I don't think there is a static MP4 link to these videos.
PS, I'm not trying to recreate a YouTube channel.
current: two roku XDS 2xs, dtvpal, boxeebox, kylo.tv,
radar: wdlxtv.com