Thanks for the feedback Mark, but why is there any enlarging at all? This is the just the icon on the Roku home page, not something within the game itself. I included the graphics file that is exactly 290x218 which is what that is supposed to be I'm told, no scaling should be happening.
When I test scale a little bit to test for overscan possibility, my image looks almost as good as the original, only slightly artifacty, nothing like the blurry Roku home screen image
Are you saying Roku blows up the 290x218 file to something huge like 1080x720, then later shrinks that down to use for the home page channel icons?
So yes, I guess I don't understand what you mean exactly and would appreciate something to show what you're talking about.
squirreltown, I'm curious about the ppi - how could that even possibly affect this? I wan't even aware of that setting, but as I see it, the image pixel size just is what it is, 1280x720 or 1920x1080 or 290x218; ppi wouldn't have any effect, how could it? But maybe it does somehow, so I'm interested.
Bottom line, other than possibility of some HD overscan effect (which shouldn't have this pronounced of an impact), is there any other reason any scaling is occurring?